Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Trumpet Player

So proud of my guy Forrest Spengler  he made First Band his Freshman year of High School! This weekend is the last football game of the season for his school. So Marching Band season has come to an end and now starts Concert season.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

The Boys, ready to go Trick or Treating. Darth Vader is onto that Storm Trooper
The Cutest Batman Ever!
Happy Halloween
Scary Dude
No way Stay away from my Candy Scary Dude!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday Oct 25, 2009

We went to Seguin, Texas for the Pecan Festival. It was not at all what we thought it would be. My Husband Lance Spengler took a Photo of me and the boys.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cole is 10

Just a little cake on his actual birthday.Going to have a party for him and Mason this weekend.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Virginia Beach 2009

A few Photos after swimming at Virginia Beach and doing some shopping down the main drag. Mason, Forrest and Cole
My Cousin David
and My Zia Clara with my husband  Lance Spengler and myself
The whole Family.
We had a real nice time at the beach and
even packed a lunch to eat while we sat on towels in the sand.
A new experience for the boys.
We all got some sun and I am still peeling.

Friday, July 31, 2009

VA Beach

Our first stop on our summer Vacation was my Zia Clara's house
we all went to the VA Beach the boys had a blast!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forrest Awards

My Oldest is out of Middle School. He is going to High School
Last night he received the "J" Award from his school for
Outstanding Achievement.
He Also Got the President's Education Award for
Outstanding Academic Excellence. Proud Mom and Dad
Brothers that slept threw the awards
Grandparents where very happy and proud.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mason's Awards

Mason Got The A/B Honor Roll Award for the 4Th nine weeks grading period It cane with a ribbon, Coupon for a free small hamburger at McDonald's,and a Chili's Pepper Award for a free meal at Chili's. He also received The Reading Achievement Certificate in recognition of outstanding achievement in meeting his monthly reading goals all year. Which also came with an other Chili's coupon award for a free meal and a Certificate of Congratulations from Taco Cabana with 2 coupons on it free Bean and Cheese Taco and a Free Cabana Kids Meal! Mason, The School Principal,and the school librarian. Mason ,Vice Principal Dr. Vargas~Lew and the school Counselor Mrs. Silguero-Gaytan Mason and some of his class mates on stage Mason holding his "A/B" Honor Roll certificate Mrs. Miller his 2ND Grade Teacher and Principal Gonzales

Monday, June 1, 2009

"A" Honor Roll Cole

Cole Got a lot of Awards he was the only one in his class who got all A's.
He got a Certificate for the Honor roll award and a ribbon and a ticket/coupon for McDonalds. He also recieved The Perfect Attendance award, wich came with a Certificate, bookmark, ribbon and another coupon for Mc Donalds a free small cone!
Reading Achievement certificate and , Outstanding Citizenship certificate Award wich came with a book mark and a ribbon and a pin they pined to his shirt. I am so Proud of you Cole, Love Mom

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Heres a link

Check out the link to Ken's 5 on Lance's story about the Cemetery

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I need software

I need to look into getting
then learning how to use a photo
editing software program.
Any ideas on which one I should get?
That won't break me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

St.Mary's Church Cemetery

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St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery San Antonio, Texas.

These are some photos my Husband Lance Spengler took May 11, 2009 at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. He is very upset because of the broken headstones,brush,trash and all the vandalism. There is actually a statue of Jesus about 6 feet tall that has been knocked over and is face down on the ground.
Numbered List

Friday, May 8, 2009

It is Hot!

It is Hot outside. My car thermometer at 5:30 pm said 104 degrees! By the time we got home it was at 107! The weather on The Weather chanel web site says it is 102 degrees and we are only in May....Going to be a HOT Summer

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She has Puppy Breath

Georgia~Georgina~Georgia Peach
Adopted May 4,2009......Yup, we are in puppy love here!